Wednesdays  |  13:05 - 13:35  |  The Albert Pub

Making Jesus known in Victoria.

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Welcome to the Victoria Talks

It is our hope and prayer that many people, particularly those who work in the Victoria area, will come to know the Lord Jesus through the ministry of the Victoria Talks.


13:05 – 13:35

The Albert Pub

52 Victoria Street, SW1H 0NP

Lunchtime series

The Kingdom of Heaven

12 February – Matthew 13:1-23

19 February – Matthew 13:24-43

26 February – Matthew 13:31-35



Each week a group from the Victoria Talks meet to discuss the previous lunchtime talk passage, and pray for each other’s ministry in our offices.

08:00 – 08:45
Venue in Victoria

Email Alex if you’d like to join: [email protected]


Everything you need so you don’t miss a thing! Listen to our sermons online.